Crime Victims Support Services of the North Bronx, Inc. (CVSS) is a 501 (c) 3 non-for-profit organization established in 2005 through a grant from the New York State Office of Victims Services (OVS) as an outreach and assistance program staffed by trained personnel to help innocent victims of crime through a difficult time.
CVSS is a fill-service victims' assistance agency providing free services to innocent victims of crime and abuse.
Our mission is to provide crime victims with advocacy to all appropriate governmental and non-for-profit agencies, as well as direct comprehensive services, including assistance filing state compensation claims, criminal and/or civil court system support and information on their rights and entitlements within the criminal justice system.
Through consistent outreach to law enforcement agencies, residents and a broad range of social service, medical centers and non-profit community organizations, CVSS has established itself as a vital community resource for crime victims and their families to come to where they receive emotional and financial support.
CVSS assists innocent victims of crime from all walks of like regardless of age, demographics, race and income levels.